
Lab members



Agostina Palmigiano studied Physics at the University of Buenos Aires and did her graduate studies at the Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization under the guidance of Theo Geisel and Fred Wolf. Her PhD work earned her the Otto Hahn Medal from the Max Planck Society in 2018. She later joined the Center for Theoretical Neuroscience at Columbia University working with Ken Miller, first as a Swartz postdoctoral Fellow and after as a Simons BTI fellow.



Arthur Pellegrino studied Math in the university of Boulder and did his graduate studies at the University of Edinburg under the supervision of Angus Chadwick.


PhD student

Jan Bauer is interested in the core mechanisms behind learning in neural networks, in particular how stability and flexibility are balanced. He studied Physics at RWTH Aachen University, Germany, where he worked with Moritz Helias. Now as part of the Gatsby Unit, he also is in active collaboration with Jonathan Kadmon at ELSC at the Hebrew University.


ML MSc student

Melina Laimon is a master’s student at UCL’s MSc Machine Learning programme. Previously, she studied Electrical Engineering at the National University of Singapore.


Research Intern

Jake Laherty studied Neuroscience and Data Science at the University of Sydney before joining the Lab. He is interested in the theoretical foundations of learning and the necessary conditions for intelligence.


Lab Affiliate

Ho Yin Chau studied Physics, Math, Molecular and Cell Biology at UC Berkeley, and he is currently a PhD student at the Center for Theoretical Neuroscience at Columbia University, working with Ken Miller. He is a long-time collaborator of the lab.


Lab Affiliate

Tuan Nguyen studied Physics at MIT and is currently doing his PhD in Physics at Columbia University in Ken Miller’s lab. He studies connectivity and sensory encoding in the mammalian primary visual cortex, focusing on development without visual experience. Using statistical analyses of biologically plausible models, he investigates how visual inputs and behavioral states shape neural responses. His research also explores computational models of cortical feature map development and synaptic plasticity before eye-opening.